broad beans
By Richardpeeej

2 Jul, 2010
Comments on this photo
thanks- I planted the seeds in February Cinderella ;-)
2 Jul, 2010
That accounts for it then Richard, mine were much later
2 Jul, 2010
I think that you can plant them in November Cinderella and overwinter them although I have not tried that before ;-)
2 Jul, 2010
Yes I know you can. I wasn't going to grow any this year, but then I found some seed in my greenhouse (as you do), and decided to stick them in. There is only six plants but they have beans on now about an inch long, so getting there. I only have a small garden, and there is only me to feed !!
2 Jul, 2010
I only have a small garden too Cinderella. I haven't grown broad beans before and wasn't going to put any in but a friend had some spare seeds so she gave me them to try. I am not sure if I will try them again I'll see how I get on with these as they take up quite some space :-)
2 Jul, 2010
Yes they do. I would prefer more runnerbeans myself.
2 Jul, 2010
Yes Cinderella runner beans are far more economical for a small garden. In the past I have grown them in tubs up a bamboo wigwam ;-)
3 Jul, 2010
Yes thats what I used to do, but my grandson has made me a raised bed and I grow them in that now. Usually only a dozen plants, but it gives me plenty. In the past I think I have grown all veg in tubs. Carrots and peas, etc. but my raised bed, although not very big, has carrots, beetroot,spring onions, radish and watercress.
Hope you are continuing to make good progress Richard. I know what its like to be incapacitated with broken leg. Broke my ankle a few years ago.
3 Jul, 2010
Thanks for your kind comments Cinderella I am getting more mobile each day now. I also have a few raised troughs which are planted up with a variety of veg and flowers. It is much easier to weed in there as there is not so much bending.
3 Jul, 2010
3 Jul, 2010
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This photo is of "broad beans" in Richardpeeej's garden
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Sweet Pea Seeds Everlasting Mix
£2.45 at Suttons Seeds -
Mina Lobata Seeds
£2.65 at Suttons Seeds -
Heliotrope Marine Seeds
£2.85 at Suttons Seeds -
Nerine Bulbs Bowdenii
£6.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Sensitive Plant Seed
£1.85 at Suttons Seeds -
Bean (Runner) Seeds Painted Lady
£3.65 at Suttons Seeds
They are coming on well Richard, further on than mine.
2 Jul, 2010