sprinkler1 's mystery runner beans 05/07/2010
By Sprinkler1

5 Jul, 2010
Comments on this photo
Lovely photo and they look really healthy. I always grow mine in tubs up against a south facing wall and I get good crops on my plants This year they are doing great with flowers and buds wherever I look so they should crop even better this year, ~ hope so anyway cos I L~O~V~E runner beans !!! :o))
5 Jul, 2010
They look fine to me, climbing up their supports and not producing flowers ........Yet! Lol
6 Jul, 2010
Thanks Linsuffolk and Ian digs v2, I must be doing something right then......lol
6 Jul, 2010
Sorry for my quietness on the subject of my Wife and My gardening disagreement but I was enjoying the banter between you,I was totting up the latest score,when I thought I'll send a recent photo of my plant,(my first year using a pot rather than ground),Thank you for all the replys.
5 Jul, 2010