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Red Admiral

Red Admiral

Comments on this photo


Your new camera seems to be doing just fine. I think I may have to get a new one, I can't get the sharpness of detail. Lovely picture

19 Jul, 2010


Thanks Cinders... I've sent you a PM re. the camera.
: o )))

19 Jul, 2010


Beautiful photo.

19 Jul, 2010


great pic

19 Jul, 2010


wonderful picture

19 Jul, 2010


red admiral, lovely shot shirley ;o))

19 Jul, 2010


Thanks everyone ... garden full of insects at lunch today ... Oh got annoyed when I kept trying to photo them ... Hoverflies just won't stay still long enough though !

19 Jul, 2010


iv tried them to shirley, a nightmare lol

19 Jul, 2010


Another good shot Shirley, I dont know if its me or my camera but every time I try to take a pic of a Bee or hoverfly it always resembles a smudgy

20 Jul, 2010


dont get to close stroller and dont zoom all the way with camers, take it back a bit and see what happens, then if you have windows gallery you can crop the pic to bring it in more on computer, hope this helps,, oh and if you have sport mode on camera use that its great for moving things

20 Jul, 2010


You won't believe this, but it's true, a Stag Beetle was slowly crawling across the new patio early today so I took a photo, put a 50p piece by it to show size,
put it on a piece of paper to carry it over to the log pile, took another photo and now I think I've deleted all of them ! : o (((((((((((

20 Jul, 2010


PS to above comment - daughter rescued photosof the Stag Beetle - no idea how but pleased she did ! : o ))))

20 Jul, 2010


This is a lovely pic Shirley :-))

30 Jul, 2010


Thanks for liking it, Annella, it's my avatar now !

30 Jul, 2010

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