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Not too good a picture hope it helps with id

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Well, that looks like a Viticella leaf to me....

21 Jul, 2010


and me also

21 Jul, 2010


How about....White Magic, Campaniflora or Maria Cornelia?

21 Jul, 2010


White Magic sounds like the one, but cannot see the leaves, but think that is it.

21 Jul, 2010


It is really dainty the flower, and nods in the breeze it is a really pretty one, you would like it because it climbs everywhere through the fence and plants, Paul doesn't like it because it is so small and dainty, he likes the big blousey ones best with lots of colour.

21 Jul, 2010


That's why he chose you Mum!! lol!

21 Jul, 2010


They have white magic on the Thorncroft website and also one called white columbine...have a look!

21 Jul, 2010


Suppose you are right there then, but Blousey? - me more of a t.shirt girl and not the wet kind.

21 Jul, 2010


Yes the White Magic looks the right one, you are clever aren't you!

21 Jul, 2010


Aha! Got it! No. Definitely not blousey....I agree.

21 Jul, 2010

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