life is so beautiful in dreams
By Katarina
- 25 Jul, 2010
Comments on this photo
One very happy cat ..not just in dreams :)
31 Mar, 2011
She was killed by a neighbour.
31 Mar, 2011
Oh Katarina, that was a bit of a shock ! Was it deliberate ?
1 Apr, 2011
No, he has passion in killing. He either shoots cats or gives them poison. This cat was poisoned.
1 Apr, 2011
Must be so difficult having neighbours like that, think I would have to move away.
1 Apr, 2011
Why me?
1 Apr, 2011
Yes you are right, but doubt he would willingly move. I also lived next to a wicked man who once left a rabbit snare in the hedge where our cats went through. One day one of them was caught by the leg, fortunately I found her before it had done too much damage. That was it, we had to move. I must add he was not very nice to people either, which was another good reason to move.
2 Apr, 2011
Yes, freaks dominate in this planet.
2 Apr, 2011
Too right !
3 Apr, 2011
Oh well, nice for me to hear it is not only I who suffer from horrid neighbours! One guy shot three of my cats and two peahens and three peacocks in five days! I was devastated, one of my cats survived he still has the bullet in his hip, and he still has the most beautiful blue eyes - Ogies (Eyes)
9 Apr, 2011
That is just awful, did you report him ?
It's hard enough when they die of natural causes, but this must have been just unbearable.
Have you any pictures of Ogies ? Would be nice to see .
10 Apr, 2011
Yes, police is unuseful in these cases. They will wait until you are shot dead. Then they write a protocol and make interview for TV.
11 Apr, 2011
Sounds about exactly as it happens!
12 Apr, 2011
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awwwww so cute.....
25 Jul, 2010