The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

For Karen Sue to see it is still alive - and thriving

For Karen Sue to see it is still alive - and thriving

Clematis Korean Beauty - if you google this do not forget to put in the word Clematis - you get some strange pictures if you forget as I found to my cost when researching it. lol

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Oh yes, that is looking great mum! Well done! I wonder if it will have a flower this never know! Mine looks like this but not quite as strong looking......

5 Aug, 2010


It has shot up since it got into the border and even grown this week - hope it does flower this year, but maybe not - it is looking strong though, must like this border it gets sun most of the daytime.

6 Aug, 2010


It has lovely leaves doesn't it? I'm really looking forward to it flowering. Mine is planted to grow up the dark leaved crab apple tree. I also have one on the new wooden arch, but it is so overshadowed by the other plants, it won't get going until next year I think.

6 Aug, 2010


Something different to look forward to

6 Aug, 2010


Yes, indeed! I found some pots of really tall lilies at the GC this am. Had to have them ....all four pots! Now planted in the back left corner ....soon be flowering. They are called 'Dizzy'!

6 Aug, 2010

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