By Richardpeeej

6 Aug, 2010
Comments on this photo
Thanks Milky. I had the seeds from a friend who lives in the Netherlands.
6 Aug, 2010
This is so pretty.....
6 Aug, 2010
thank you so much Flori.
6 Aug, 2010
6 Aug, 2010
7 Aug, 2010
grown these 2 love them wish they were perenial
8 Aug, 2010
I thought they were perennial Cristina -I will have to find out how to collect and save the seeds from it for next year then ;-)
8 Aug, 2010
Love you solitary are my fav ever and always.
16 Aug, 2010
I love your words Camillia...I can see that you are very poetic.
16 Aug, 2010
may b they are i thort they wernt. ermm have to google. i grow them every year.
16 Aug, 2010
I'm not sure about them either Cristina ;-)
16 Aug, 2010
lets google together then lol haha x
16 Aug, 2010
yes Cristina we'll have a google party ;-)) x
16 Aug, 2010
Can I have a goggle as well? Tee hee hee! Hi Rich, hi Cris! :~))
16 Aug, 2010
Yes Flori please join the ;-)
16 Aug, 2010
Was just wondering, would I need to bring a bottle and some finger food, or just my PC?? LOL!
16 Aug, 2010
just yourself Flori and your voice-you will be on the ;-)
17 Aug, 2010
o that will b gud lol ,any 1 else comeing . lets go a googaling ,sounds like a song . tar rl a la a googaling we will go ........ whose gon write the nxt line haha
17 Aug, 2010
Oh Cris, you are throwing down a challenge now! about the second line being....'Across the world wide webb, just to locate some more info....', somebody's else's turn!
(Just like your leg, my voice attached too, Rich, so if I'm coming to the party, voice box joining in! Tee hee hee :~)) Time to produce your six string melody maker, my friend!)x
17 Aug, 2010
ha ha Flori - I will have to dig out the guitar from the spare room as it is under a pile of things that are in there temporary while we have the new carpet ;-)
17 Aug, 2010
Only two days to go Rich, and you'll have a whole new look to your stairway, you must be looking forward to it my friend! I very much miss playing my guitar, it gave me hours of pleasure...hope you get back to playing again very soon.... :~))x
18 Aug, 2010
Thank you Flori I can't wait for things to get a back to 'normal' what ever that is and play my guitar again. I am off to bed now as it is getting late...goodnight, and sleep well ;-) x
18 Aug, 2010
If you ever get to 'normal', my friend, let me know what it is, as I am still searching for mine,lol! Night my friend :~))))x
18 Aug, 2010
Still searching for 'normal' Flori ;-)
18 Aug, 2010
omg normal wot is that ,my nick name is crazy nana lol . right have we got any fether wth the song lol trol a lol ,haha def not normal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 Aug, 2010
You and me both then, Rich! Cris, I did write the second line for your Google Song, next line up to you or Rich, or anyone else who wants to join in! :~))
18 Aug, 2010
haha RICHARD your turn now lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 Aug, 2010
The gauntlet has been thrown down,Rich, don't let us lad! lol! ;~))
18 Aug, 2010
next line
'for we can share ideas there and seeds that will feed the world!
18 Aug, 2010
Hey, I like that very much, Rich, a great next Cristina? lol
19 Aug, 2010
all sing out loud , seeds for all ,seeds for all , sing it loud, sing it clear , for the world wide web to hear .tra,ll la haha lol xx ;0p
god help any 1 rading this lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
19 Aug, 2010
Blimey, I think you have just written us the chorus, Cristina! Think we might need to add to the verses a bit though! LOL! :~))
19 Aug, 2010
lol scarry isent it haha . am a poet and dident no it. ;0p
19 Aug, 2010
We just need some music to go with it now Flori,
19 Aug, 2010
thats urs and bevs department lol bev sings u play giutar i just clap along lol x
19 Aug, 2010
what a team! we'll soon have a No 1 hit with those ;-)
19 Aug, 2010
Where's Pete Waterman when you need him eh?? This could earn us a mint! lol, and as it's Google, it could go world wide too! Tee hee hee!
19 Aug, 2010
wow you can type quickly Flori I only just pressed the return key of my
19 Aug, 2010
Just naturally gifted Rich! Hahaha! Great minds think a like eh??? :~))
19 Aug, 2010
Of course Flori ;-)
20 Aug, 2010
carry on you to lol , ;0p
21 Aug, 2010
Thanks Cristina ! ;-)
21 Aug, 2010
:~)) lol!
22 Aug, 2010
wen we recording then ;0p
23 Aug, 2010
as soon as we can find a manager Cristina ;-)
23 Aug, 2010
lol ;0)))))
23 Aug, 2010
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6 Aug, 2010