Pink Dahlia
By Annella

11 Aug, 2010
From Morrisons and doing very well
Comments on this photo
I think you have to dig them up and let them dry out if you want to keep them for next year, although my mum has some she leaves in the ground and they always come back up :-))
11 Aug, 2010
Thanks Annella its a problem when you have to dig things up and store them each year. I already have a few bags of daffodils and crocus that I do that with. I can use the space for other things in the summer then :-))
11 Aug, 2010
Well done Morrisons.....
11 Aug, 2010
Wow, what a breathtaking colour. Just stunning!
12 Aug, 2010
Thanks Pip
12 Aug, 2010
Really lovely, and again Well don Morrisons. I buy plants and shrubs occasionally from them, they are cheap and always come on in leaps and bounds.
12 Aug, 2010
These look a picture Annella can you keep them from year to year? :-)
11 Aug, 2010