The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Rosa Rugosa in it's 6th year


By Dahlia

Rosa Rugosa in it's 6th year

This Rugosa bloomed white this past early summer for some reason. Normally, the color's are pink center's, white outer edge of the petals. However, I'm not complaining, this Rugosa was so amazing in my backyard behind my garage.

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12 Aug, 2010


I like this tinted white. Lots of blooms. :-)

13 Aug, 2010


Thank you so much for all your compliments! Right now my Knockout roses are quite abundant, so I'm really enjoying them a bit! I'll have to wait another winter before I can be with my English roses again. What a spring it was!

~ Steph

6 Sep, 2010


Hi Steph,
I am sitting on my couch enjoying all of these pictures and dreaming of what I will do in my gardens this summer, if winter will ever end!!!!!

27 Mar, 2011

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