By Penaselvagem

12 Aug, 2010
Comments on this photo
Hi Linda. Thanks for the welcome, i love this website! Im a complete novice but a great lover of all things flora and fauna thanks to my lovely grandmother. I will add names as and when i learn them im afraid. The kind people on here are helping me heaps.
Happy Gardening to you Linda!
Pena (Pena Selvagem means Wild Feather!)
12 Aug, 2010
that`s it bourganvillia
12 Aug, 2010
It sure is but this one is worth the walk to! (I have 5 but they are v little ie. about 10cm tall at the moment!) This strain of pink is really something else and they grow like wildfire here. Just wish i knew how to dry the petals.
12 Aug, 2010
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Hi penaselvagem
Love your photographs. Would really like to know the names too.
Welcome to GOY
Best wishes
12 Aug, 2010