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Comments on this photo


cute friends ;-)

13 Aug, 2010


haha but roseie is making sure garf dosent move lol

14 Aug, 2010


YesI can see that she's keeping an eye on him ;-)

14 Aug, 2010


aw bless...

14 Aug, 2010


ermmm i do love them , rosie allways trys to get nearer to garf .

14 Aug, 2010


Oh yes us men are so irrestible Cristina :-)

14 Aug, 2010


haha is that wot u think lol .wellllllllllllllllll !!!!! carry on . u are funny ;0)))))))))))))))

14 Aug, 2010


;-) ))))

14 Aug, 2010


Rosie is so pretty Cristina, does she play with Garfield? :-)

15 Aug, 2010


she wud love to, but garfield not that keen on her yet. she was charleys best frend my other dog. she died in oct 09. they ate and slept 2 gether. then rosie came to our house wen she was 6 weeks old, like a wirlwind .poor garf dident no wot was going on. its a slow rd. but we r getting there lol xx

15 Aug, 2010


My daughter had a rescue dog, Ruby, she's had her a while now and she and Sally (cat) sleep together now. At first it was like a mad house with Ruby wanting to get too close to Ruby and Ruby biffing her one, or Ruby just chasing Sally and Sally hiding in the bedroom just takes time :-)

15 Aug, 2010


o i wish they did that, heres hoping lol .at the moment she chases and barks at every thing. but shes not 1 yet. collie x shaperd . so a proper hand full . but we love her. she from cheshire dogs home. x

16 Aug, 2010


aww lovely pic ;o))

17 Aug, 2010


thanks xx

17 Aug, 2010


Lovely ! ~)

26 Aug, 2010


ta hun x

26 Aug, 2010

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