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99p Well Spent No1

99p Well Spent No1

What a surprise when these Lilium bulbs bought in a £1 store soon grew and flowered on my windowsill even though they were not potted untill the end of April. 20p a bulb wow.

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The deals are out there!
At that money, you can afford to be disappointed too. But these Lillies are lovely!
I got my dad three gooseberry bushes out of there to replace the elderly on e that he lost over the winter - all three were trying to produce fruit, but he cut them off so that the bushes would grow better and they look amazing now!

15 Aug, 2010


I love the white ones

15 Aug, 2010


Meanie this is only half the story. I am a denizen of charity shops, carboots, second hand market stalls and windowsills and get many books and CDs for a fraction of the new price. Also at Coleraine in a charity shop I found a beautiful specimen of Epiphyllum cooperi which delights me with flowers every spring. I am also willing to swap cuttings and seedlings etc of many plants including many Pleiones. Has your lady-friend anything for exchange? Think of the money she and you could save. I will post a list of available species if you wish.There is one species which has for the last thirty years defied all my best efforts at cultivation - garden, greenhouse (potted and in open bed) and now my windowsill. It has cost me quite a few pounds over the years and as ever - no joy. Lilium candidum; enigmatic, mysterious, satanic and yet so beautiful all rolled into one gardener's downfall. Woe worth the day I set eyes on that little bogyplant. David (Chwiliwr) Barratt.

15 Aug, 2010

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