The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Heliconia Pendula

Heliconia Pendula (Heliconia rostrata (Lobster Claw))

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Friends garden, Videiras

17 Aug, 2010


This looks like Heliconia Pendula in a photo posted by Meanie, it's stunning !

17 Aug, 2010


Big thanks Shirley. The locals call them Birds-of-paradise but its stunning whatever the name.

17 Aug, 2010


Looks just the same as the one I posted Shirley, although as Delonix pointed out, there are a few varieties!
Must be nice to live amongst such beautiful plants Penaselvagem!

17 Aug, 2010


Heavenly, Meanie, I'll never get to Rio, hate flying and just about manage Europe at a push !

17 Aug, 2010


Ladies i would love to show you around if you are ever over this way. The nature never ceases to amaze me hence my new-grown obsession for gardening. (they have a saying here about Rio being a paradise - apart from some of the people that Mother Nature dumped here!!)

Ladies, thanks again.

17 Aug, 2010


What about us boys!!!

17 Aug, 2010


Oh Meanie i am so sorry! I presumed very wrongly that you were a young lady.
Apologies Sir!

17 Aug, 2010


Sometimes it's very difficult to decide from the Avatars who is male or female on here !

17 Aug, 2010

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