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Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)

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that is very pretty! My neighbour has this one and has had the yellowing bud drop. from what I've read this plant is a Goldilocks plant.... not too much fertilizer...not too little fertilizer...not too much sun...not too much shade...things have to be "just right" and that's that! lol....aparently the bud drop could be water, fertilizer (too much nitrogen), or a bud gall midge.... the neighbour has hers planted in the middle of her lawn... sounds like too much nitrogen to me~

21 Aug, 2010


Oh my gosh! I must have just the right location - they grow like weeds in this yard - literally!! I am forever uprooting spring seedlings around the yard.

22 Aug, 2010


Over here, Rose of Sharon is the common name for Hypericum, queer huh ?!!!

22 Aug, 2010

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This photo is of "Rose-of-sharon, white with wine centers" in Grammazoo's garden

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