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Moz is a rescue cat and i've had him since July 2009 .I think he's now about two years old. He's settled in very well and here he is occupying my spot on the sofa only a few minutes after I brought him home!

He has very dark eyes and often he seems to have no eyes at all!

He's very small for a male and very affectionate and already has staked his place on my lap when I'm watching TV and he follows me around the house just to make sure he's not going to get lost again.

Apparently he'd been living semi feral for at least 3 months on a housing estate in a local town and one kind person had been giving him some food. Unfortunately he was slowly losing weight so she took him to the cat rescue where he had some vetinary treatment and was fattened up.(still quite skinny though)

He'd been at the sanctuary for a few weeks and had been passed over in favour of kittens.

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The Hills diet helps them live longer have you ever tried it, hes lovely .

27 Aug, 2010


He is so pretty & he looks so content. It's amazing how easily these rescue cats settle into their new homes. I think they're just happy to be loved and dry and warm after spending so much time on the streets or in shelters.

28 Aug, 2010


he`s cats are rescue cats too & as Lauram says they are happy to be loved,dry & warm bless them...

28 Aug, 2010


Oh!, what a pretty, contented pussy!!! At least now he has a good loving home, and after what he's been through, probably won't stray far from it.

28 Aug, 2010


He is absolutely gorgeous! I bet he appreciates having a home with you.

19 Sep, 2010


I've had 15 cats over myn lifetime (once had 6 at one time) but this cat is the best and he had very strong competition!

19 Sep, 2010

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