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Brugmansia in Malgrat de Mar, Spain


By Mrv

Brugmansia in Malgrat de Mar, Spain (Brugmansia suaveolens (Maikoa))

I've not been back from holiday long, but I had to share this picture I took of a garden wall in Spain. The plant couldn't have been less than 8 to 10 feet tall. The scent was incredible.

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I just love these plants, lovely picture, hope you had a lovely holiday.

3 Nov, 2010


I really have to sort out a heated greenhouse somehow ... to be able to over-winter these plants would be amazing.

Maybe next year, eh.

For me, the garden is about the evening and early night ... almost when colours vanish, only shape and scent linger. You know, about 8ish the Sun is starting to fade and you can start to smell the Night Scented Stocks and other rich perfumes.

To have plants like these Brugmansia, almost grown as standards, around a seating area would have me in a Gin and Tonic zone in no time.

6 Nov, 2010


... and yes, a great 'oliday indeed thanks.

6 Nov, 2010

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