By Linsuffolk
- 17 Sep, 2010
My neighbour bought me this cutting from his climbing fushia about a month ago . It had only just rooted then, but look at it now. I will have to ask the name of it. I think it may be Mrs. Popple, but I'm not sure.
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Oh, thanks very much Hywel. I kept meaning to ask him what it was called and never got round to it. I can give it a name now..................:o))
18 Sep, 2010
Mine grew to 6 feet last year lol. This year only 3 ft
:o( Never mind lol. Yours looks healthy and strong :o)
19 Sep, 2010
Do you cut yours down ready for next year and let it start again Hywel, or do you leave it and let it shoot again from the old wood. I've never grown one before.
19 Sep, 2010
I leave it alone and see where it shoots from next year. Then I decide how far back I want to cut it. I have it in a tub and put it in a sheltered corner for the winter.
20 Sep, 2010
Thanks for the info Hywel, It 's very helpful :o))
20 Sep, 2010
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It's Lady Boothby :o))
18 Sep, 2010