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Meadow Court Irises at Hinton Ampner

Meadow Court Irises at Hinton Ampner (Iris germanica (Orris))

Fell in love with these and what is more, so did my OH! Have ordered 3 and will plant them in gravel

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they are beauties, quite understand why you ordered three

20 Sep, 2010


They will be the only dwarf one I have, grow to about 12", but to tell you the truth I ordered 3 in case they got nabbed by slugs!

20 Sep, 2010


lets hope the slugs don't get them,

20 Sep, 2010


Fantastic and especially great next to blue!

20 Sep, 2010


So delightful......

20 Sep, 2010


I know..sigh...totally scrumptious. Is there a name for this disease we there a clinic where one can "dry out" so to speak...

21 Sep, 2010


If you find out can you let me know asap! It's getting desperate here!

21 Sep, 2010


Oh Karen...Huge giggles!!!! Can you imagine it..a crowd of totally gibbering idiots who cant talk about anything but potting compost, plants and with the occasional latin word thrown in! And imagine the carnage as they try to prevent us getting to a garden centre...oh boy..

21 Sep, 2010


LOL!!! Like something from a Python sketch Tetrarch!

21 Sep, 2010


Oh dont..been crossing my legs for last half my age cant take sudden hoots of laughter! OMG...must run!!

21 Sep, 2010


:))))))))) know that feeling well!

21 Sep, 2010

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This photo is of "Iris Germanica Meadow Court" in Tetrarch's garden

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