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Another wide rill from another Pavillion

Another wide rill from another Pavillion

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Almost all of these pictures have an Italianate feel to them...especially the rills..echoing the canals of Venice perhaps? wonderful pictures, M. Lucky you. would love to see this impressive garden first hand.

27 Sep, 2010


I am slow does have Italiante feel..shouldve thought of Venice - been there twice!!

28 Sep, 2010


Actually got a couple of good shots of some pretty gardens there..they dont have much space, but make the most of it. Must post them

28 Sep, 2010


Please do... How I would love to visit Italy... I'd like to see the Tivoli...and Hadrians garden... Check out Terry60...she lives in a 15 century walled town. (has grapes growing on her balcony roof!)

29 Sep, 2010


Went to Tivoli on honeymoon...many moons ago! But Rome is on the list for next year so intend to visit the gardens again. Camera broke back then..make sure of pics on next visit. Havent been to Hadrians garden, got a feeling it was restored not so very long ago, so probly thats why. Will certainly check out Terry60..sounds good to me..

30 Sep, 2010

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This photo was taken at Hampton Court Castle.

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