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Willow warbler

Willow warbler

Saw a pair of these in our wild birdcherry this afternoon..good job its digital these days, would have used a whole reel of film otherwise! I have some lovely pics of leaves and more leaves!!!

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These are supposed to be summer visitors and should be away by now..must be feeding up for the journey.

5 Oct, 2010


how sweet though

5 Oct, 2010


Lucky you, smashing little bird.

5 Oct, 2010


We were thrilled to see it, having hearing a "new" song for a few days and wondering what it was.

6 Oct, 2010


Lovely shot, worthy of GoY's sister site, I Spy a Bird.

6 Oct, 2010


Thanks again OG, but I think Hywell's robin deserves a place on that..they are such fidgets and hard to capture a pic. Never been on that site, must take a look!

6 Oct, 2010


great shot

7 Oct, 2010


Thanks Lishy

9 Oct, 2010


lucky to see one of these

18 Oct, 2010


I know Grindle and to get a pic AND in October!

18 Oct, 2010


I tried it with a dragon fly once, ended up with loads of close ups of pond weed LOL

19 Oct, 2010


Now how odd you should say that! I had done exactly that but did catch a shot once in Australia when a red one pitched near my feet whilst I was sat by the lake. Last night I was looking for it everywhere..still havent found it..grrrrr..

19 Oct, 2010


isn't that always the way :-(

19 Oct, 2010

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