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The bottom of our lane - A631 passable but only with 4 x 4's

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Oh dear! Mum, is there still a footpath on the other side of the dual, down to the school and Jenny's Mum's end of town?..The path I used to take home from school....?

1 Dec, 2010


yes path still there but very very overgrown now.

1 Dec, 2010


I think there might be sloes down there..........:)))))

2 Dec, 2010


Seriously, when I used to walk down there I used to see these very small black 'plum type things' every autumn. I didn't have a clue what they were, but looking back I think they were sloes. Next year....Sloe Gin!!

2 Dec, 2010


Sue makes us sloe gin every year, tooo tooooo nice. Definitely sloes, we have a huge blackthorn tree by the side of the dyke and it was full of sloes this year as were all the berry trees.

2 Dec, 2010


Oh well, you have plenty then! I haven't found any hereabouts yet.

2 Dec, 2010


Maybe a cutting is needed but heed - there is a warning - the darned things put up shoots under and through the garden and then you will be forever digging them out if you can.!! It is a constant battle on that hedge side.

2 Dec, 2010


Yes, I can imagine. No, not in my garden. Would be good if I could find one in a hedge out on my dog walks though!

2 Dec, 2010


certainly would

2 Dec, 2010

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