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2010 12202010Outside0014

2010 12202010Outside0014


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lovely scene - wish we could have just a little snow!

20 Dec, 2010


You still snowless Paul? You've done very well. I know what you mean though, I like to get a little and I like it to melt very quickly after it's fallen...not go to ice and hang around all winter!! :((( I went to the greenhouse today to take a photo and I slipped twice en route and that was on the frozen lawn!!

20 Dec, 2010


I almost fell with two bags of shopping helpiung my Mum - well it was so funny as I slid about a foot - possible snow tomorrow it says for the Midlands. I know what you mean it has been so preserved now it could last days even when mild air comes in

20 Dec, 2010


Lovely robin avatar paul!! pity we don't have skates eh? and skis for that matter!

20 Dec, 2010


haha yes the new way of traveling on pair of skis :D Thought the robin was very apt in this weather - Merry Christmas too by the way :)

21 Dec, 2010


Merry Christmas to you too!!

21 Dec, 2010


I like to see some snow, it does look beautiful.
But i must admit i'm looking forward to it going now.

21 Dec, 2010


Do you think it will go before April Mark? ;))

21 Dec, 2010


I certainly hope so!
I read somewhere that it won't be changing much before boxing day. I'm not sure if that meant it will get better from boxing day, or if they don't know beyond boxing day yet.

22 Dec, 2010


Hmm...I hear the same thing...who knows? One thing I can tell you though...I'm sick of it. :((

22 Dec, 2010


I have heard today that more snow is forcast for Boxing day now!
I'm sick of it now, it's been here for more than long enough i think.
My parents have been telling me how they used to have thick ice on the inside of their bedroom windows, and if a hot water bottle was kicked out of bed in the night it would be frozen solid the next morning - glad there is some heating in the house, although if the prices keep going up the heating might have to be switched off, or right down - electric, petrol, food all going up and no pay rise - it doesn't add up, but i'm sure there are a lot of people in the same boat!

23 Dec, 2010


Yes, lots Mark, I'm sure. I saw the forecast too...more snow boxing day for us too by the look of it. Perhaps the thaw will begin on Monday though.....please, please!

23 Dec, 2010


It would be nice if it did thaw on Monday.
Just hope it goes soon, the sooner the better.

24 Dec, 2010


Well Mark, I'm sitting here, reading 'The English Garden' Jan edition, and looking out on a garden still covered with snow and nothing to see except for the birds at the feeder. We had our first snow on November 29th and it it still under the newer stuff out there! I expect we will get more in Jan/Feb/March, but it really would have been nice to have a break from it! On the good side, the sun is shining brightly again and the snow is sparkling out is, if nothing else, very 'festive'!! :))

24 Dec, 2010

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