Coming on!

17 Jan, 2011
What with a -14, rabbits envading for a snack in the snow and now mice having midnight feasts in the tunnel to only eat the flowers, we might have about 6 plants for sale out of 4500!
Comments on this photo
Yes I am...the wildlife and weather have still had a massive effect on the crop though! Unfortunately I could have prevented most of our problems, it just shows that 'every day is a school day' !
17 Jan, 2011
Well, we all have 'school days' Grant.
17 Jan, 2011
I seem to have more school days than most!
17 Jan, 2011
You forget you are the professional gardener I am the amateur, so I must have more school days than you. This is not a competition!!!
18 Jan, 2011
Pictures by granttheplant
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I hope you are exaggerating Granttheplant. It sounds pretty serious for your business. We complain about the odd plant but it is a different story if it is your livelihood.
17 Jan, 2011