snow pile
By Lauram

28 Jan, 2011
My sister Carolyn in Rhode Island sent me this terrifying photo of the massive snow pile in front of her house. They've had a tremendous amount of snow this season and all the shoveling has caused the pile to grow higher and higher. I wonder when it will all finally melt.
Comments on this photo
Lets hope we have come to the end of the snow photographs!! They are beautiful, but I am trying to think 'Spring'.
28 Jan, 2011
We have been watching the snow storms that have hit New England, so far we have missed the worst of the snow here on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. But this is not unusual! It looks like Carolyn has run out os room to shovel it!
28 Jan, 2011
Hoorah !! stand at the top of the steps, forward flips into the snow heap then some backflips, how could you resist all that fun eh?? LOL ;-)) Wait a minute, just noticed the flat roof of the porch - - - now we're talking some MAJORLY good flips !!! :-O
29 Jan, 2011
Oh Alex, the snow is so much fun when you're young, isn't it, & you don't have to worry about shoveling it or driving it.
Bampy, I keep thinking that Carolyn will find small children or something under all that snow after it disappears, perhaps flippers!
31 Jan, 2011
oh Bampy! Do your children ever let you have your grandchildren to visit!? Flips off the porch roof!!!? LOL.
Have a friend in Massachusetts who's in the same situation...wondering where to put all the snow. Have you received any snow in Georgia, Laura?
5 Feb, 2011
Lori, we have had so much snow it's insane. OK, OK, not by northerners' standards, but for here it's been a lot. We had snow at Christmas and about 5 inches (with a lovely coating of ice) several weeks ago. They can't drive in it here so traveling is frustrating - I kept getting stuck behind pickup trucks that were fishtailing all over the place.
5 Feb, 2011
first rule in a sliding crisis situation...take your foot off the gas! but DON'T put it on the break! lol..
6 Feb, 2011
Lori, they don't know what they're doing, they don't understand the basics of driving in snow and ice! I'm originally from New Jersey so unfortunately I've had plenty of experience driving in bad weather! It's funny, my co-workers criticize me for being a "slow" (meaning, law-abiding) driver, yet when snow and ice are on the ground, they make sure I get out of the parking lot first so they don't hold me up on the way home.
7 Feb, 2011
LOL... Up here, there are sometimes derbies..on the frozen is interesting to drive on ice. Most people try to steer away from the direction of a skid...if you want to come out of it ~ you steer into it! The new abs breaking systems have taken the "Knowhow" out of winter breaking...used to be you pumped the breaks and steered like a fiend... Hubby and I invested in some really good winter tires. Best choice we could have made considering where we are now.
7 Feb, 2011
and a lot depends on how the municipalities react - here, there's no money for plows and salt and sand. It would simply cost too much to keep prepared for something that only happens once in a blue moon. When I lived in the tiny village of Finesville, NJ, with one road in and one road out - the county trucks would be out at 3 AM salting and sanding. They did a terrific job. In Georgia, snow shuts everything down & we are all expected to just stay home until it melts.
7 Feb, 2011
Yeah...we have those days too...we call them "snow days" and we all enjoy staying at home. Georgia must be a wonderful state to live in. I think I'd like it there...N.C., S.C., Virginia...Love the pics I've seen of Pennsylvania too!
7 Feb, 2011
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Wow....I have similar pictures from when I use to live in NY.
I remember one of our blizzards when I was still in elementary school....all schools closed. Oh the fun we had, climbing over mountains of snow to get to the end of the block.
28 Jan, 2011