100 2355
- 16 Feb, 2011
A plug plant 2011
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This is a new one from the local garden centre, i went for a walk round there, hadn't expected them to be in yet. Million kisses elegance, Million kisses allure, and apricot shades super ? (not sure of the full name now). Last year i had lost all the million kisses, but now i've been in the greenhouse and brushed them off this year i've lost a few, but most million kisses seem to have survived...
16 Feb, 2011
I lost a tray full of my begonias, left them close to the garage door all winter, but all the others seem fine as they were at the back of the garage, gonna order some lovely dark pink ones.
16 Feb, 2011
that's a lovely little plant :):)
16 Feb, 2011
That's a shame. Always loose a few. Vine weevil have had a few this year.
It's one of the 'million kisses' begonias, i got it from Percy Throwers garden centre when i went for a walk around the other day...
17 Feb, 2011
urgh Vine Weevils - hate them they eat the sempervivums and uproot them
17 Feb, 2011
The white grubs get in the tubers and eat the tubers away, once you get them they will go through a lot of tubers if you don't spot them.
I have heard some growers refer to them as the 'evil weevil'
I'm not sure, but i think they will eat the roots of most plants.
17 Feb, 2011
Looking nice and healthy :o)
17 Feb, 2011
They did look nice healthy little plants, i was impressed. sometimes they don't look too healthy when you see them...
I suppose they would be fresh in though. I know when i saw them i was surprised that they were in...
17 Feb, 2011
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thats huge already, is it one you have grown or a new buy
16 Feb, 2011