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Frost damaged cordyline

Frost damaged cordyline (Cordyline australis (New Zealand cabbage palm))

That record breaking December has left my 15+ year old specimen worse for wear.

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The winter certainly has done some damage hasn`t it. I dug my Cordyline Australis this afternoon and it was a beauty. :o(

7 Mar, 2011


What a shame.
I hope that you left the roots as they regrow from the there.

26 Jul, 2011


Hi Demj. Yes plenty of new growth at the base now. Its in the 'wrong' place but I'm keeping it for the time being. Shame about the top of the tree but rather than cutting it back I have grown annual climbers up it with flower bags further down, and thankfully an established Clematis Montana has now obscured the very top. It looks pretty good.

27 Jul, 2011

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