By Surreylad

15 Mar, 2011
trillium from my mother-in-law, loves the shaded side of the garden.
Comments on this photo
they love shade and slightly dry ground.. really trouble free, plant and let grow.. :-)
15 Mar, 2011
That sounds great a gardeners dream plant then are they hardy.
15 Mar, 2011
How very unusual - these will go on my "wish" list.
I bet they look lovely under trees.
15 Mar, 2011
i have mine in heavy shade by the side of the house under my pink camellia tree and it's very happy there. nice ground cover that bobble in the breeze for a few months.
16 Mar, 2011
This is a threatened/endangered species over much of its range here....I always feel very lucky to see wild trilliums!
17 Mar, 2011
i didn't know that, this one is not as popular here as the grandiflorum white variation but i like the dark red / maroon and the mottling on the leaves.
17 Mar, 2011
they are a nice plant for the shade yes and then they can spread till their hearts content.
2 Apr, 2011
there is also a nice white one grandiflorum they like the shade as well, nice care free flowers.
3 Apr, 2011
Ooooh i like those leave's, on my wishlist surreylad..
3 Apr, 2011
Lol glad you like it Youngdaisyd :-)
3 Apr, 2011
I really like the foliage Surreylad I am just starting to add trilliums to my garden .
19 Apr, 2011
thanks scotkat, good luck and i hope yours grow well..
19 Apr, 2011
I hope so Surreylad a real treasure in our gardens.
1 Aug, 2011
Pictures by surreylad
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Trillium Cuneatum
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£6.50 at Burncoose
Unusual not seen these before.
15 Mar, 2011