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I love the way this one is formed, and the colours

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Goodness, never seen one like that!

31 Mar, 2011


Think I got this one in a pack will have to look out for it again this autumn. I never keep their labels, they are lovely these three very unusual.

1 Apr, 2011



4 Apr, 2011


It certainly is Teds, now there are three of them, will have to try and find some more in the autumn they are very special.

4 Apr, 2011


WOW!! this is another beauty Olive, I must look out for these...

12 Apr, 2011


It is amazing isn't it!

13 Apr, 2011


Absolutely beautiful, Oliveoil......

20 Apr, 2011


All gone nearly, the sun has beaten them up. We can't have it all can we? It gets too hot and the daffs and narcissi die off, but everything else is growing fast soon some more flowers, just need a little drop of rain. Off to water this morning, before it gets too hot.

21 Apr, 2011

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