So far so good. The white begonia "Clara".
By Raquel
- 2 Apr, 2011
Comments on this photo
Thank you Bernieh! How are you down under? heard it's been kind of tough weather-wise...
2 Apr, 2011
HI Raquel! Yes you're spot on, it's been a rough 'wet' season for us. Up here in north Queensland we've had cyclones, one of which was particularly nasty as it was the highest possible category, and so much rain that records have been topped very easily.
Down in the middle and south of our state they had significant flooding and there were quite a few who lost their lives.
Right now, central and southern Queensland are still in recovery mode. Railway tracks and roads are being re-built and lots of houses are still unliveable.
Further north, where cyclone Yasi's eye crossed the coast, those towns are still trying to clean-up. There was quite a bit of damage and many of the homes will be demolished.
In my corner of Qld, we've finally finished the clean-up around the property after cyclone Yasi, but the rain just won't stop.
Our 'dry' season should have started by now, but the 'wet' is still going strong. Our all-time record for rainfall in March has been broken this year, and in two days our record for April rainfall has already been smashed!
It's been a roller-coaster of a ride so far in 2011, so it will be interesting to see how the rest of the year pans out.
How's your spring time? Was your winter a bad one or not too bad where you are?
3 Apr, 2011
Wow! I didn't realize it was quite that bad...hope things get better soon and the dry season really starts! The dry season being delayed is something that actually has been happening in El Salvador, you expect it to be dry and the rain continues...but nothing like what you've experienced this year! While in Houston the winter was colder than usual, we has some unexpected freezes that really took a toll in the garden...but are now back to muggy and hot temperatures...but without rain. You could send us some! =) I heard that Texas would be considered in drought conditions if it doesn't rain soon, and that this was an effect from La niƱa.
9 Apr, 2011
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