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Streptocarpus 'Sixth Scents'

Streptocarpus 'Sixth Scents'

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Its very pretty and dainty lovely

9 Apr, 2011


Thank you 6d

10 Apr, 2011


Your welcome Cinders its lovely. :o))

10 Apr, 2011


Thanks, the others are all new plants that I have propogated and are just coming into bud

10 Apr, 2011


smashing healthy plants. Mine are just beginning to flower from leaf cuttings last year.

21 Apr, 2011


Those in the background are my cuttings from last year. I have so many now.
Friend of mine has just discovered pleiones Bampy, completely hooked. So we have just been looking at your pictures and information on care.

21 Apr, 2011

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