still clearing garden..

21 Apr, 2011
Comments on this photo
forget me nots :)
21 Apr, 2011
in fact i didn't want to remove them..
i want to add more in my garden..
21 Apr, 2011
Legend has it that the name derives from medieval times, when a knight and his lady were walking along the side of a river. As the story goes, the knight picked a bouquet of flowers for his love, but because of the weight of his armor he fell headlong into the river. Just before he drowned, he threw the bouquet to her and desperately shouted "Forget-me-not!" :))
21 Apr, 2011
Great Thank you! I love them too, I bought a few of them earlier, hope they settle in ok, they have not done so well in the past, well at least not in this garden, in my London garden they spread themselves everywhere and flowered year after year.
23 Apr, 2011
I love the blue going on at the bottom there, what is it please?
21 Apr, 2011