000 0049
By Oliveoil

26 Apr, 2011
Hope the slugs don't get it.
Comments on this photo
Nice planting with the heucheras beside it.
30 Apr, 2011
there is a herb in there also, for the life of me cannot remember which one, old age ahhhhhhhh!! remembered, nope its gone again.lol ah yes, Rosemary.
1 May, 2011
Oh yes, I see it peeking out under the hosta. Rosemary is not easy to move, but if you were to get another one and plant it somewhere very dry and sunny, you would get stunning blue flowers in the spring. I love it, and so do bees. The prettiest one for a container is the prostrate form which trails beautifully up and over the edges of a container.
1 May, 2011
I had one once up in the borders near the fish pond sides, it got very woody, do I cut it back each year or do I leave it alone to do its own thing. I liked the blue flowers that was why I bought this one, it is in a sunny spot, but think the hosta is crowding it out now it has started to get going.
2 May, 2011
Yes, they do ultimately get very woody. You can chop them, but they are like lavender, they will always get too woody and need to be replaced. The creeping one seems to be slower growing and being a carpeter, it doesn't need cutting back. I really like it.
2 May, 2011
I have just moved it, fingers crossed, watered it well and am hoping it will be ok. have put it in a gap in the veggie garden. It will get more sun there and hopefully will brighten it up a little.
2 May, 2011
Being quite small, it will probably be fine! hope so!
2 May, 2011
I hope so if not will replace it. Think I might save one of the spaces in the veggie garden for herbs - I like fresh parsley and sage so might have a go at some, tried them once up the middle of the garden, it was too dark for them. We have plenty of room for veggies in the raised bed so will not need all the old greenhouse site for them. Will have a look out for some next time I go to gc.
2 May, 2011
Yes, I have them around my greenhouse where it is quite sunny, as you know. I love my herbs, especially the mint and Borage for the Pimms!
3 May, 2011
Oh I could just do with a Pimms, been stood ironing for last couple of hours, but in the garden with the ironing board so not too bad, off to the shops next, need printer ink - sammie has used it all again!!! will make a detour round a gc also, well not really a detour, but the car will take a little wrong turn somewhere on the High Street I'm sure. Darned car it is always taking wrong turns, told her (Millie) not to do it but she just cackles and takes me wherever she wants. LOL :~o) Strange thing is she knows her way even without sat nav. lol.
3 May, 2011
Funny like that aren't they? ;)
3 May, 2011
she went off on one again today, went to Saundby and I did tell her not to turn right but to turn left, just no control over her. lol. only bought boring stuff though, canes for the bean wigwams. Not many nice plants in this gc at the moment. Had lunch out so that was a bonus. How is your weather today, we are getting lots of sunshine, but blooming cold breezes and turns very cold after tea. Tried sitting outside with a cuppa tonight and it was very cold. Gave up and went and put a fire on. lol. Sam is in her bedroom with her electric heater on under her duvet working on her computer. lol. what are we like eh!
3 May, 2011
Exactly the same here. Freezing cold at the front (east) side and warm at the back until tea time, then freezing. our heating has broken down since amsterdam, so we have a heater in the bedroom and I've been sleeping in my bedsocks! Lovely though, I'm not complaining, I've had a wonderful day again and apart from a couple of foggy days it's been sunshine since the end of March! amazing spring!
3 May, 2011
Yes beautiful spring, hope the good weather keeps up.
3 May, 2011
Looking good for the next few days!
3 May, 2011
3 May, 2011
Scott just checked and tells me that actually, we are due rain, rain and rain!! Still, we could do with some!
3 May, 2011
I could do with some too, but only over night, don't want it during the daytime. Hope you get a little and it goes quickly for you. It will do your grass good, but then it will start to grow and you will be cutting it twice a week after all that food it has had.
3 May, 2011
I honestly wouldn't mind cutting it....I just wish it would grow! Can see some signs of improvement now, after watering with the sprinkler for three days running and today I did a little bit more with the fork. In some places the fork will only go in a couple of inches before it hits compacted clay....grrrrrrr! These are the worst spots, not surprisingly!
4 May, 2011
Well a couple of inches should be ok as the grass roots are not too deep are they, so it should work fine. My grass is beginning to crack and where the paving slabs are in the soil it is beginning shrink away from the edges. Cannot believe we still haven't had any rain. I am beginning to think when it starts it will not know when to stop. Do you remember that year we had the drought and Prince Charles did a rain dance and after that it didn't stop raining. We were at Park Springs then, the river burst its banks and we were all flooded in. The teachers who lived at Beckingham rowed into school, Tony Robinson and Tony Smales. Can you remember that? lol bet none of the teachers would do that these days. lol. Although the last time it flooded was when Paul had just started work at Everton and he went all the way around and over Kidby Bridge to get to work. He only did it because he wanted to keep his job. Bless he wouldn't do that again especially with the cost of fuel these days.
4 May, 2011
Yes, I do remember the rowing Mr SMailes, but I can't remember Tony Robinson...what did he teach?
4 May, 2011
He was at the Grammar school Boys side - Science - Brenda Robinsons who I worked with at Marshalls husband. Think Tony Smailes died last year, not sure, there was an obituary in the paper think it must have been him from what I read.
5 May, 2011
Oh no! I wonder if it was the big C. He can't have been old. That's sad. Jenny used to see him when she was in Beckingham.
5 May, 2011
Think he had been retired a few years, yes it is sad, but think it was heart attack, not sure, he was a nice man, it was him that came across to tell me John Storey had died. Not many of the others would have been bothered to let us know. Has Jenny got moved yet from Cheshire or are they staying there now? Not spoken to here in ages, think it was Sarah's wedding when we last spoke.
5 May, 2011
As far as I know, they are still there. We spoke last at my birthday. I think they've taken it off the market.
5 May, 2011
I seemed to recall they had, housing market a bit dead isn't it. Sam and Gareth have put offer in and it has been accepted. Semi with need of work doing on it but price was right and they have now got surveyors etc involved so should be going through ok. They are going to knock down a wall and make the kitchen bigger, Gareths dad is kitchen fitter so they have a kitchen all lined up. Bless they are so stressed the pair of them. They off to Loughborough this weekend so should destress a little - big re-union planned.
5 May, 2011
It has a big garden also, but they want me to take out the middle border and grass it over. Shame I could have done all sorts of good things with that. lol. ah well not to worry. plenty to do here. Must keep my promise not to interfere lllllllllllllollllllllll very snearingly.
5 May, 2011
No No I will behave and do just what they want. promise.
5 May, 2011
Where is this house Mum? Can I google earth it? I love google earthing....it's a boon for the nosey parker in all of us!! lol....I google earthed Sarah's address not long ago...very nice!
5 May, 2011
I will pm you Karen sue
5 May, 2011
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26 Apr, 2011