It's coming
By Lauram

27 Apr, 2011
Horrific weather is coming this way.
Birmingham, Alabama has just been hit by a tornado....they say debris from 17 miles away was falling from the sky....some places had 3000 lighting strikes per hour....we are 100 miles away from Birmingham, right down the interstate.
We are under a tornado watch; the worst of the weather is supposed to hit around 9 or 10 pm with strong, damaging winds and large hail.
I am generally not afraid of storms but this one scares me!!
Comments on this photo
Keep us updated let us know you are ok.
28 Apr, 2011
Oh boy, keep safe Lauram. Good luck.
28 Apr, 2011
something like 170 people have died so far - I have just gotten up & haven't turned on the news yet. We escaped the worst of it, the tornado sirens were screaming for quite a while, but really, the storms we've had over the past 2 weeks have been worse. And my dog, Otis, had seizures for over 2 hours beginning at about 9 PM. He hasn't had one in over a year but these were bad. There is nothing we can do about it because there is no pattern to the seizures. He stayed under my bed, just twitching and moaning - it was horrible.
I saw a before and after photo of Tuscaloosa, AL, which was hit by a tornado (the same cell that came through my area). Everything flattened. A large section of Birmingham is flattened. A hotel collapsed in Rome, GA. Catoosa County is requesting a "mass casualty" trailer (doesn't sound good).
Well, once again I feel lucky to be OK. I don't have a tornado shelter, and not even a good place in the house to flee to if a tornado comes close.
28 Apr, 2011
So glad you are ok Lauram. Sorry about poor Otis though. But my old dog Kiri ,who died last year at the age of 16yrs..had them for years, and, like Otis there was no pattern to them. Without having extensive (and very expensive! )tests, the vets couldn't offer an explanation, so we just learnt to accept them. They are horrible to watch though, and you do wonder if the dog is suffering, but think unlikely.
I suppose tornado shelters would be very expensive to erect, your kind of area you would think they would provide at least a communal one.
28 Apr, 2011
the vet told me that most seizures in dogs are idiopathic - there is no known cause. Otis has seizures in winter - summer - inside - outside - morning - nighttime. I've known other dog parents whose dogs have them like clockwork, once a week or once a month or whatever. Otherwise we could put him on phenobarbitol and adjust the levels til we get it right. It was really awful to watch him last night and of course there was nothing I could do with the weather the way it was - the closest emergency vet is about 25 miles away but driving there would have been a nightmare and very unsafe.
Most houses here don't have basements, including mine, and there really isn't any time to get anywhere once we get a warning. I do have an interior room with no windows but if the trees go I'm dead anyway so it is of no use to me. Those things move really fast! One tore the roof off of the Kroger supermarket last year and a few years ago the southern half of the county was just wrecked by tornadoes - there were a bunch of chicken farms that were hit and so thousands of chickens were loose. I do have some limbs down but fortunately that is the extent of the damage. May tends to be the most active month so there's more to come.
Death toll now is up to 280 and rising....
28 Apr, 2011
Saw it on the news, just can't imagine how terrifying it must be, to be in the thick of it, very grateful for our reasonably moderate climate. And, how awful not to be able to get to the vet.Thinking of you Lauram.x
29 Apr, 2011
Wishing you all the best - I hope you're okay with it all - sorry I have only just seen this picture , I hope everything is okay with you :):):):)
3 May, 2011
awesome stuff L. You'll be ok !!
28 Apr, 2011