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Peony Kansas

Peony Kansas (peony kansas)

i got this from the supermarket last year they were going to throw it away so i offered ten bob. this is the first flower so i'm quite happy

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dropped on a bargain the S/Lad

2 May, 2011


a real bargin :-) ,thanks yorkshire

2 May, 2011


It looks promising and what a bargain 10 bob not heard that for years that use to be my pocket money out of my wage after my mum had taken out what she wanted for board wage packet unopened given straight to her, you would nt get that nowadays .

2 May, 2011


thanks Homebird yes it settled really quick, Lol sixpence i used to get 10 bob for cutting 3 huge lawns by hand racking it up weeding washing up making bed ..... still used to get loads of sweets and a comic though ;-))

2 May, 2011


love peonies

6 May, 2011


yes i do too. :-))

6 May, 2011

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This photo is of species peony kansas.

This photo is of "peony kansas" in Surreylad's garden

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