Oh woe ! (for Cinderella)
By Valadel

2 May, 2011
This is the second Streptocarpus lost in the last few months as a result of overwatering.
Comments on this photo
Think thats where I'm going wrong I stand them in water!
Silly me !
2 May, 2011
Definitely the wrong thing Val.
2 May, 2011
And I left mine out in the rain :(thought I was doing good.
15 Jul, 2011
Did they die ?
15 Jul, 2011
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Oh dear. Doubt if you will save it now, but you could try repotting it in fresh compost and not water it till it picks up a bit. Remember not to let it stand in water next time, just a little dribble at a time, not a soak.
good luck with it Val.
2 May, 2011