russian vine
By Micky16274

9 May, 2011
could anyone please help me with this, we think it is called russian vine,it has taken over 70%of the garden we have the moment we are trying to dig it out with very little sucess
Comments on this photo
This is ground elder - get it out asap. We have it in our garden and it's an absolute menace. It keeps coming through from next doors garden and I just keep pulling it out, pulling it out and pulling it out!
6 Feb, 2012
I think this may be Ground elder? and yes it gets everywhere best to dig it out and then keep pulling it up when you see it. I have learnt to live with some as it comes in from next door on both sides, they do nothing and under/through the fence it comes. I do spray some of it with round-up but mostly I dig the roots out.
9 May, 2011