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Lilium Martagon (or was)


By Daylily

Lilium Martagon (or was)

Lilium martagon decimated by the red lily beetle i got about 10 beetles off it and there was still more everytime i looked at it, then went out the other day and the buds were lying on the ground, i suppose it could have been the high winds weve had but as you can see the leaves look to have been eaten badly

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What a pitty :( I hope you can find a way of controling them.

10 May, 2011


Oh no, this is so sad. I am so glad I live in Scotland! My only leaf eating foe just now is a small green caterpillar. Oh no, I so love lilium Martagon and I only have one and it would break my heart if this happened to me...:((((

10 May, 2011


I also have had two lilies (which are set in the garden) eaten by the red lily beetle, and my daughter and I got lots of beetles off both plants. Up to yet, touch wood, they have not been on the lilies in the pots or on the tree lilies. Have bought some Provada Ultimate Bug Killer Spray which lasts 4 - 6 weeks and have sprayed all of them, have not seen any more beetles over the last two weeks, so hope that this will help you.

10 May, 2011


I hope it does help kath. I was going to add some more martagons this year, but have you seen the price of them...£6 per bulb!! Far too 'haute cuisine'for any bugs!!

10 May, 2011


Thanks for your comments Hywel, Karensusan and Kath, i only have the one bulb and like you karen i have looked to add more but then thought twice because of the price and definitely as you say karen too expensive for bugs. I think once the flower buds have fallen off then that is it now, as when my daughter was about 3 she pulled off the flower bud and that was the end of that, so have had this plant about 6 years, wow didnt realise i'd had it that long. Kath, hope yours do ok and yours Karen, it is very dissapointing because it is one of those plants that doesnt grow again in that season and i do love the shape of the flowers, oh well ...p.s there does seem to be more of the red lily beetle this year

10 May, 2011


What a shame.It is heart breaking to hear that these beetles have got at your plant. The cure is as expensive as the plants. I only have one too and I would hate to lose it.

13 Sep, 2011


I presume it will come back next year, but there were loads of beetles this year, I didnt realise at the time when i put this on that there were all little black lavae grubs under the leaves also, there were quite a few last year but not as bad and it did flower.(Unless they have eaten the bulb also?)

14 Sep, 2011


Is the lily beetle the one that drops off if you go near the plant. You need to put a sheet of paper under the plant to catch them. They have not come this far north yet so I have no idea if they will eat the bulbs but eating the foliage will weaken the plant.

15 Sep, 2011


Yes thats the one, bright red colour, when they drop off you cant always see them on the soil. little blighters!

15 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of "Lilium Martagon" in Daylily's garden