Sickly Mahonia Leaf
By Scotkat

12 May, 2011
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Its really looking poorly Paul it has been there for 22yrs in same area .
It was growing too tall so I pruned back in April when we had spell of nice weather but since then we have had many frosts.
Nice as it is its lethel very sharp leaves not child friendly.
13 May, 2011
Yes not looking very healthy - I have had it in full sun at first and think it scorched it - now in partial shade - it has end leaves like this - still producing nice flower heads - but looks like dying with a few years :(
13 May, 2011
sorry I don't know why I called you Michaella :D
13 May, 2011
LOL :) I dont mind
13 May, 2011
I really think my Mahonia is on the way out .Just old .
13 May, 2011
- I know mine too
13 May, 2011
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29 Mar, 2008
Mine have done this too Michaella
13 May, 2011