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Front garden full of roses

Front garden full of roses  (lilium Mackliniae)

It is the season for roses and my garden is full of them , they dominate at the moment. There are abundant blooms of Evelyn,Pilgrim,Abraham Darby, all David Austin English Roses and fat clematis/lily buds promising to burst into scent and color !

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15 May, 2011


WOW from me too....would love to see that!

15 May, 2011


You can, next year when I open my garden to the public again if you are within travelling distance ;) . The video is on 'you tube' search Dering Road and you should find it . Thank you so much for the nice comments.

18 May, 2011

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This photo is of species lilium Mackliniae.

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This photo is of "lilium Mackliniae" in Muscadet's garden

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