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carnt remeber its name , but its quite big

carnt remeber its name , but its quite big

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I've got the same one Cristina, and apart from it being a hardy geranium, I can't remember it's name either :)
It's a bit invasive in my garden, but I forgive it cos its so pretty :))

31 May, 2011


i can see it being the same here .............. i thort it wud be small lol ............ but i do like it

31 May, 2011


love the leaves colours as well as the flowers

1 Jun, 2011


yes ............ wen i got it , i split it ............. i allways try to get things i can split , more plants ............ less mony lol .......... its bt 2 ft high

1 Jun, 2011


But its lovely though! I like the dark veins down the petals :)

3 Jun, 2011


will hunt out the name .......... ;0)))

3 Jun, 2011



3 Jun, 2011

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