The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

The side garden 31.05.11


By Annella

The side garden 31.05.11

7.30 and no wind for a change

Comments on this photo


Your garden is absolute perfection Annella....I love it!!...:>)

1 Jun, 2011


Thank looks windswept up close :o))

1 Jun, 2011


Amazing colours! Some of my clems and roses have had their buds whipped right off by the wind, and the poor pear tree has hardly any leaves left.

1 Jun, 2011


Karen this border got the worst of the winds, I've cut loads off the shrubs and my climbing Iceberg is now hanging

2 Jun, 2011


I hope we get less windy weather from now on. It's lovely here today, a proper summers day, but still a bit to windy for me.

2 Jun, 2011


I am full of cold today but the weathers a lot calmer

2 Jun, 2011


Oh no, poor you! a summer cold...oh dear...sure it's not hayfever?

2 Jun, 2011


Yes..Jamies just got over it and given it to me :*(((

2 Jun, 2011


It all looks very fine.

2 Jun, 2011


You have an amazing garden Annella, one of the best ive seen, hats off to you :)

2 Jun, 2011

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