By Elless
- 15 Jun, 2011
Comments on this photo
Do these plants only like moist areas? I have seen them growing between the pavement and a terraced house. I would like to grow some but the area I am thinking of is dry shade. I think they very pretty.
15 Jun, 2011
Jenny, I've seen them growing in an area that didn't appear to be particularly moist but it was a very sunny spot. Could you not build a small bog garden? I am going to try and grow some over a soakaway. I know the area is moist in the winter but not so in the summer. I'm hoping there will be enough moisture retained below to help them thrive.
Michaella, I have found this year, that with the lily being lower in the pond, I can still put my net on at night without it damaging the lily blooms.
16 Jun, 2011
There they are! Beautiful! Now that I have removed the net off my pond, I shall put some of them in there.
15 Jun, 2011