my allotment in full production mode
By Eyupmeduck

16 Jun, 2011
Comments on this photo
just in this photo there are several varieties of potato.
plum tree, cherry tree, mangetout pea growing up the tree on the left, blueberry, blackcurrant and jostaberry,
the raised bed made from pallet sides is too low to see but thats got red and white spring oinions and little gem lettuce in it, and there is a variety blackberry on the right hand post called himalayan giant.
in the green house are several heritage tomato plants and a very hot pepper.
you just cannot eat it all so i supply family and friends
and we ship stuff in from mexico and israel etc
we can grow it all
17 Jun, 2011
Sounds like a full time job to me!
18 Jun, 2011
18 Jun, 2011
i was digging up new potatos today and had to stop and stand and eat a lot of large soft gooseberries, there a lot left but iv no time to make jam, my wife wants to know when im going to bring up some strawberries....
i keep eating them.........
they are so easy to grow and came through the winter very well. its keeping the blackbirds off em.i netting them and when i came down one was in there and could not get out.
i let him go but he made a fight of it.
18 Jun, 2011
Hee hee, you have to have some reward for all that work - in your case its strawberries.
19 Jun, 2011
Pictures by eyupmeduck
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Gardening with friends since
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Great photo.
16 Jun, 2011