The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Lamium galeobdolon 'Hermann's Pride'

Lamium galeobdolon 'Hermann's Pride' (Lamium galeobdolon 'Hermann's Pride')

Lamium galeobdolon is less popular than Lamium maculatum due to its tendency to be invasive. This one is behaving itself in a trough in partial shade at the moment, mainly due to having a gutter collapse on it during the winter, leaving me with only the tiniest scrap of root which was still alive. I replanted it and, true to its nature, it has scrambled back to life. I don't mind if it does grow like mad - I hate to see bare soil, so anything which covers the ground is fine by me, and if it's as interesting to look at as 'Hermann', then so much the better.

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