my current project
By Clairej2506
- 22 Jun, 2011
- 1 like
we have our own side entrance to the flat and this is the 'flower bed' that runs along it. unfortunatly there aren't any flowers growing in it as it's been filled with stones and rubble from any building work thats been done to the house :(
i thought i would dig it over, sift out all the stones from the mud and i can use all the pebbles/ stones for creating the paving along the flower bed on the front garden!
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my apologies i didnt explain the place of the bed properly! That is actually just a brick wall between us and the carpark behind it! The house is on the otherside. Your right tho i dont want to dig down to far as i dont want to disturbe the foundations of the wall, the council wouldnt be too happy with me if i had to call them and say it had fallen down! At the min i'm just trying to get it levelled off and most of the stones removed.
23 Jun, 2011
23 Jun, 2011
Be sure to add some compost/well rotted manure in there to help retain moisture and give the soil some oomph.
There used to be lots of stables around Bromley/Bexley when I was last there, they're probably desperate to give away piles of manure - but don't use it 'fresh'. :-)
30 Jun, 2011
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2 Nov, 2009
I cannot see your damp course? dont forget to leave the soil several inches below it. That manhole cover means there are drains and they may run from the cover to the wall?
22 Jun, 2011