still waiting!
By Cindyangel

26 Jun, 2011
1 like
Still waiting for the fronds on my tree fern to appear.
Comments on this photo
Well, this time last year it was in full swing, lots of fronds popping up, i was so pleased. Then i over wintered it in the green house, brought it out at the end of April, and now i've got no sign of any thing happening. This fern tree is the reason i found this site, when i was looking up on google to find the answer to my problem and i haven't looked back since. lots of people have given me great advice, so i am just waiting to see what happens. so watch this space! haha.
1 Jul, 2011
Good Luck with it Cindy...
6 Jul, 2011
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Gardening with friends since
3 May, 2010
When are they supposed to start shooting Cindy? I've never had one.
30 Jun, 2011