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By Bloomer


Comments on this photo


That is a great looking part - such impact

19 Aug, 2011


Cheers Paul..It has done really well this year..don't think it is hardy,so I keep it in the shed or growhouse in winter..

19 Aug, 2011



19 Aug, 2011


Wow its big! Mine is smaller but I love it :)

19 Aug, 2011


Beautiful area

19 Aug, 2011


put this on my favourites, i love the space between the pots and such lovely textures in the plants.

19 Aug, 2011


I agree with the above - the whole area looks great.

19 Aug, 2011



19 Aug, 2011


Thank you,Pixi..I have had it a few years now,but only been repotted once,as they prefer to be potbound..I seem to remember yours has the bigger leaves ?
Thank you Denise..I like to have the choice of moving pots around ,to suit the or out of hot sun or only have one grass planted in the gravel..and the Bird bath stays where it is,and that's it ..oh,I tell a lie..there is the tiniest black grass just replanted this week,from the border..right next to the Agapanthus..but not sure if it's going to stay..not really enthralled,but it was a gift..looks too much like a big spider..Lol.
Thank you so much Sticki..that is nice of you..I do prefer some spaces,between the pots..and arrange them so I can see them from the Conservatory..pleased you like my choice of plants :o))
Thank you ,Frybo,that is nice of you... :o)
And thank you too,Cinders..:o)

19 Aug, 2011



19 Aug, 2011


Ooh I jsut have mine in the garden..not in a pot..should i?

19 Aug, 2011


Not necessarily Pixi,if its always been ok there,no problem,especially if it survived the last winter..:o)

20 Aug, 2011


I think those agapanthus are gorgeous but I haven't got any because I thought they needed lots of sun?

20 Aug, 2011


Mine is down the bottom of garden which doesnt get too much sun..semi shade I suppose. :)

20 Aug, 2011


Oh that's good - perhaps I will have another try?

20 Aug, 2011


Yes! :)

20 Aug, 2011



20 Aug, 2011


I think they do prefer full sun..with being South African..I think ?,but part shade will be fine..they like hot conditions,so why they are doing well here,I don't know.!Had to acclimatise,I guess...

20 Aug, 2011


i think it would be best if i moved to yorkshire or scotland!!

20 Aug, 2011


You would be very welcome here,Sticki..but you are nearer the Equator than me,,so go for it girl ! Lol.

20 Aug, 2011


It's no very hot up here lol! Most times anyway :)

20 Aug, 2011


I might try next year but as for moving if I had my choice I would be on a Scottish island.

20 Aug, 2011


Brrrr! lol

20 Aug, 2011


Brrrr from me too..Lol.

21 Aug, 2011



21 Aug, 2011


But those islands are beautiful.

21 Aug, 2011


Oh disputing that! Just cold lol :)

21 Aug, 2011


If I had to choose between cold and hot I would choose cold. They can be veeeeery windy though.

21 Aug, 2011


OMg no way i would schoose hot..only coz Im usually cold lol..we are never pleased eh?
Oh aye there's a fair wind blaws up yer kilt on thee Islands!

21 Aug, 2011


Have to wear thick tights!
I always think if it is cold, it's not nice but you can put another jumper on, sit near the fire, do some cooking etc but if it's too hot - can't do anything!!!

21 Aug, 2011


Good to do nothing too! lol
Ew I hate tights lol

21 Aug, 2011


no good at doing nothing!!! good at spending lots of time on computer ~ in particular GoY!!!

21 Aug, 2011


hahaha Aye! :)

21 Aug, 2011


and with that I'm off to do some cleaning ugh! :)

21 Aug, 2011


I,or rather WE,did some cleaning today was a"better pull the bed out'"day ..Lol. I see you have been chatting about cold weather and tights..I hate both !Can't remember the last time I wore them..I'm definitely a trousers and jeans person..with socks or pop socks..:o)
don't even own a winter skirt ....

21 Aug, 2011


certainly happier in jeans or jogging trousers and trainers.

21 Aug, 2011


I agree Sticki..sooo comfy.:o)

21 Aug, 2011


also i like my slippers ~ they are lambswool!!!

21 Aug, 2011


ooh,get you ..very posh !Lol.

21 Aug, 2011


not if you saw them ~ i had to stick them together with masking tape!!!

21 Aug, 2011


So that's why they call you Sticki.! Lol. It has a nice ring to it.Stickislipper !! :o)))))

21 Aug, 2011


i would have tripped over them otherwise:


21 Aug, 2011


good one,Sticki..we are on good form tonight ,aren't we ?
Must have been the hot sun we had today,for a change..:o)

21 Aug, 2011


must be something!!!

21 Aug, 2011


Hahaha! Nothing liek a nice pair of comfy baffies! :)

22 Aug, 2011


never heard of baffies?

22 Aug, 2011


Me neither..come on, tell..Is it Scottish for slippers ? if on earth did that word evolve !!!:o)

22 Aug, 2011


my guess is that its from bathroom slippers ~ as in bath ~ baff ~ baffies??????????????????????????

they sound quite comfy??

22 Aug, 2011


Good logic,Sticki..those were the days,when we only wore them indoors..Lol.....

23 Aug, 2011


we will have to wait for pixi's answer!!
do you think google will know??

23 Aug, 2011


Slippers (singular baffie or baffy)
Scottish word for slippers, thought to derive from 'bachle' meaning to shuffle.'

it did!!! got it from the 'urban dictionary'!!!

23 Aug, 2011


Well done,Sticki..good old Google..!.I love knowing where odd words come from..I might ask for some'Baffies' for a birthday...and wait to see the look on their faces..Lol.
Amazing how we got from Agapanthus to Baffies !..:o))).

23 Aug, 2011


thats the joy of Goy!!!!
and we are still learning ~ cant be all bad!!

23 Aug, 2011


Exactly..methinks we are on our way to a Master's degree !!.but what in,I don't know..:o)

23 Aug, 2011


quick bloomer go and look at terratoonies latest blog ~ its brilliant

23 Aug, 2011


now, a masters degree ~ i could do that in ~
getting off track?
talking about nothing in particular
having fun
research into how blogs work

etc etc

23 Aug, 2011


Only just seen your urgent request ..hours later !! I commented straight after you ,as you will probably have seen..great isn't it ? ..and I will be joining you on the same course .! Lol. Anyone in mind to pay for it ??

23 Aug, 2011


Because you commented straight after I thought you had seen the comment! It's a great blog!

No idea who will pay for it - sorry!

23 Aug, 2011


I logged out after that,Sticki..Choccy cake was ready to come out of the oven .Lol...and needed a decaff coffee
fix! Looks like the course is off then..poor pensioner and all that..How are you fixed for a nought% interest free loan ? :o))))))

23 Aug, 2011


no one will give me that and they dont pay me enough to enable me to give you the loan either?? sorry.

let me think ~ possible sponsors:
getting off track ~ Railtrack
talking about nothing ~ House of Lords
having fun ~ Clowns?
eating ~ a major supermarket?
research into how we chat on blogs ~ GoY

23 Aug, 2011


The last one should cover them all...we should go for's free! :o)

24 Aug, 2011


thats the winner then!!

24 Aug, 2011


it sure is,Sticki..:o)

24 Aug, 2011


we had a few drops of rain today ~ first for quite a while but i doubt it has had any effect ~ needs to rain heavily all day.

24 Aug, 2011


It has tried a few times here too,but like yours,no effect at all.We are told it will rain heavily in the night..I do hope so,as everything is so dry..

24 Aug, 2011


Its just taken me a few minutes to read all the comments and i had a really big smile!!! - you girls are so funny = I was going to make a comment about the agapanthus - but completely forgot what I was going to say!!! lol

29 Aug, 2011


glad it made you smile poppy ~ and very glad im not the only one who forgets things!!!

29 Aug, 2011


Lol from me's ok,Sticki and I understand !! :o)

29 Aug, 2011


Hi Bloomer, I just remembered. The agapanthus in your photo is definately the star - I just love them. Yours is flowering beautifully. I got a bargain recently at the local gc, they were selling them off cheap. Now Im waiting for the seed heads to ripen so I can collect the seed. Well you can never have too many can you? She is an old friend better known to me and mine as Aggie Panthus - lol

30 Aug, 2011


now that i can remember ~ thanks poppylover ~ love aggy panthus!!

30 Aug, 2011


A good way to remember plants,Poppy..good old Aggy.! Lol.

30 Aug, 2011


got any more like that in your garden poppylover??

Acer ~ Ace plant

30 Aug, 2011

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