First bloom on my Canna
By Nana_d
- 22 Aug, 2011
Comments on this photo
The one that I grew last year has grown really, really well but no sign of blooms. This is really nice!
22 Aug, 2011
Thanks Meanie do you think the cold winter has slowed it's growth?
22 Aug, 2011
Looks interesting!
22 Aug, 2011
The leave's are that nice Meanie, I dont think its too bad if it doesen't flower, I dont overwinter mine, not even in the greenhouse, they have no chance :(
22 Aug, 2011
Think that mine may have a virus............
22 Aug, 2011
Oh Meanie that's a shame are they prone to viruses?
22 Aug, 2011
A lot of the hybrids are carriers apparently.
22 Aug, 2011
This grows wild here but no one is growing them anymore . I hate to use this phrase... 'because it is out of fashion..'. It was mostly grown in Government office premises. Must be a colonial left over. Personally, for me, if I like something, no matter how out of fashion it is...I will still have it.
If I remember right, the seeds of this is used for jewellery making in India.
13 Sep, 2011
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Awesome :)))))))
22 Aug, 2011