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Saw these deer in field when we were walking Kayleigh the other day they were hard to take a picture of as they were running across the field.

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Awe how wonderful Holly to be able to see on a walk wonder what Kayleigh thought of it.

21 Sep, 2011


It was quite a way of with the others, but if it had been nearer she would like dto have chased it im sure....

21 Sep, 2011


They can go at quite a speed too - good photo

21 Sep, 2011


superb holly they are a gorgous animal

22 Sep, 2011


Thanks sheilar... yes they were very fast across the field.
Thank you Tanjipete

22 Sep, 2011


Lovely photo! I can just imagine it in the oven, cooking slowly with some winter veggies.....

27 Sep, 2011


owww :(

4 Oct, 2011

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