The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Fuchsia Excorticata


By Dwyllis

Fuchsia Excorticata

Here is another lovely NZ Native plant .... the Tree Fuchsia.

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wow what cool colours

21 Sep, 2011


That looks amazing

21 Sep, 2011


It does look amazing ... it's a big tree too. We have some beautiful indigenous plants, & I imagine many of them have never been seen by the rest of the world. Probably applies to most countries, though I lived six years in West Africa & never really discovered much that was exciting in the plantworld. Bouganvillea ... lots of it growing everywhere & frangipani with its beautiful perfume, were really the only pretty things there. But the birdlife was totally amazing & very colourful, as birds flew in from many countries to leave winter behind.

21 Sep, 2011


Wow so amazing

26 Sep, 2011

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